Enrollment at SJELP is quick and easy! We have two options to help meet your families specific needs.
Childcare + Preschool/Pre-K
Monday through Friday - ages 3 - 5, 7:30 am - 5:30 pm
​ $175/week
Second child $155/week​
Preschool Only
Monday through Friday - ages 3 - 5, 9:00 am - 12:00 pm
Second child $210/month​
Click Here to Download the Application
Completed applications can be emailed to stjohnsearlyliteracypreschool@yahoo.com or mailed to 310 East 53rd Street, Anderson, IN 46013. A $50 supply fee is required to officially hold a spot for your child.

In the summer we offer child care from ages 3-8, Activities like, Silly Safari, Family fun night (with meal) and Field Trips make for a fun summer for you child!
*Age 6-8 care only in the summer time
​ Childcare/ Pre-School all day 7:30 am to 5:30 Monday through Friday, cost $175 weekly. - $25 supply fee (one time fee)
Call or email us to setup Summer Care.